Thursday, July 19, 2007

thursday-so...who knew mick jagger lived in dubai?

so, while hanging out in the dubai airport, we ran into some famous people...mick jagger and the lead singer from a flock of seagulls. okay, so they were afghan look alikes, but it was still funny! made me laugh. didn't take a picture because camera was buried and we were having ticket issues. sorry:(

while waiting to board, i couldn't help but watch the people all around me. i was falling in love with these people who have been through so much. i couldn't take my eyes off the children. they are SO beautiful! those big brown eyes had me in 2 minutes flat. i also had chills while listening to the call to prayer. it was very sad for me to listen to that chant and think of all the lost souls who were taking part.

at this point, lindsay was still sick and couldn't hear out of one ear. i felt so bad for her. she was in misery. it was all over her face. we took off for what we thought was kabul but when we started to decend we heard the pilot come on and all we understood was kandahar. we were all a little uneasy as we landed on the military base there because that was NOT where we were going. come to find out, once a week, ariana airlines stops in kandahar and picks up people to take them to kabul. we just got lucky that it was our! i want to give you perspective on's 100 degrees outside and we are sitting on an airplane which has been turned off waiting for people to load and unload for an hour. we were all feeling the effects, especially lindsay who was aleady sick. i got a little nervous while waiting for the plane to take off because there was a guy very upset that the airlines had sold to tickets to the same seat and he wasn't in the one on his ticket. the irony of that is that when the people got on, they just started seating them in open seats.

while flying to kabul, you could see the desert stop and the mountains start. it looked like God just switched crayons while coloring it. there were a few mud houses here and there but mostly just nothing. while flying we also had a fighter plane fly under us! it was COOL!

upon arrival we had to go through immigration and get our card from the government allowing us to come into the country. the Lord took care of that and it went very smoothly. our luggage, however, was no where to be seen. that means we get to go back tomorrow and look for it.

our host w____ took us back to the guesthouse and we had a fabulous lunch! we all were able to take a nap while our host w____ ran some errands. when he came we went to an american own place called "china" which means grapevine. thought that was neat since we are here through the vine. this was a place created for people to hang out at and is an afghan version of our starbucks. we sat outback with some university guys who were reading their poetry. i started doing the finger snap! we sat around drinking milkshakes and smoothies while trying to learn more about our host w_____ and afghanistan in general. this country is in such desperate need but has come much farther than the media portrays. we headed back and were able to get connected to the internet. yay! the guys are playing with cards with the guards outback. we really need to go to bed but our bodies are still thinking it is 2:30 pm.

lindsay...she is feeling better but still isn't 100%

luggage...all of our supplies for the IDP camp and girls' school are in there

cultural adjustment....i already shook hands with a guy without thinking. at least it was a guy at the guy house who was understanding.

the IDP camp...setting up the school on tuesday. pray that everything comes together like it should.

LOVE ALL OF YOU! can't wait to hear from y'all!


DanaB said...

i knew it was nichole just from the title of the post! haha!

Hannah G said...
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Hannah G said...

I knew it was Nichole, too!! I hope everything works out with the luggage. I'll be praying for you guys. Love you all!!!

Baby Dabney said...

Great hearing how things are going. Keep posting!! And we'll be praying.

J.L. Neyhart said...

i knew it was Nichole as well :) just the writing style and the "God switched crayons" - that was very Nichole. I'm praying for you guys!

Unknown said...

Its so good to hear that God is taking care of you guys!! *Not that I didnt think he would :) You are all in our prayers ~ especially Lindsay you need to feel better !!

matthew ryan said...

its good to hear that you all are still fairing well, ok. Good luck getting your luggage and supplies.

shaina said...

Hello Everyone! I hope everything is going well. I heard through a friend that you all had left while I was in Africa and I am glad the timing worked out so well! My flight leaves tonight for home so please pray for our safety:] You will all be in my prayers, have a great time, and touch many lives as I know you will! Many Blessings.

The Rodman's said...

i am so glad you guys made it! lindsay feel better!!! i'll be praying for you.. and the rest of the team... why is it everytime a team goes over there something happens with the luggage? its like a vine curse or something :-) anyway you all are in my prayers!

Jordan P said...

you all are awesome! your answering the call is really inspiring to us back home. Stay tuned in to where God wants you first and foremost ... He will do INCREDIBLE things through you! We miss you guys and look forward to seeing you back with great stories!

-Jordan & Brianna